Jharkhand Vidhi Mahavidyalaya

An ISO Certified 2001-2008

Run Under Society Registration ACT 21 of 1860

lt. anish pankaj

This Jolly Guy has left us to heavenly-abode who had come to this Earth as a part of his mere sojourn; but leaves the entire college family in a total dilemma. Mr Pankaj had been a founder member of J.E.C.D society from its very initial formation period. His shoothing and humane behavior was the touch-stone which could easily make even an unknown & introvert person to jubilant one within a moment. His easy transcandation with any atmosphere used to convert situation into joy-worthy. His relentless and tireless efforts rendered for up-lifting infrastructural and vocational strata would have been a becon-light for us to maneauvour for further development achieving in order to make our Institution into India-wide famous premium source of place of universal learning for excellence.
His foot-steps would pave us to make our endeovour for achieving excellence.
May, the Al-mighty spaces this soul to peace.

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