- The academic session starts from July every year(as per VBU rules)
- Application for admission has to be submitted on the prescribed form obtainable from the Office of the Mahavidyalayaon paymentof Rs. 500/- in cash and on Rs. 600/- by post through Bank draft only in favour of the Principal of theinstitution. Photocopy of Admission Form &Netdownloaded copy may be accepted.
1. For Admission inFive Year IntegratedB.A. LL.B. course
Eligibility – (A candidate for admission in B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Years course must have; of the age of 20 yrs. for Ge, Category).
Passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) or an equivalent examinationsecuring, notbelow 45% of thetotal marks in the c a s eof generalcategory, 40% of the total marks in t h ecase ofST/SC, applicants 42% marksf o rOBC applicants.
Admission shall be on the basis of marks followed by counselling to be conducted at Jharkhand Vidhi Mahavidyalaya Campus.
2. For admission in Three year LL.B. Course:
Eligibility:-Acandidatefor admissionin the LL.B. (3Yr Course) must have;
Graduation degreeor its equivalent from any recognized university with a minimum45% of the total marksin case of
general category applicants and 40% ni case of ST/SC applicants, 42% marks for OBC applicants, no age limit for Gen. category, SC/ST &OBC applicants. Admission shall be on the basis of marks and followed by counseling tob e conducted at College Campus.
However such minimum qualifying marks shall not automatically entitle a person to get admission inthe institution.
It shall only entitle the person concerned tofulfillother institutionalcriteria notified by theinstitution concerned or by theUniversityGovernment concernedfromtime totimetoapply for admission.

3. Master of Laws (LL.M.) English/Hindi Medium
Objective: The two years Distance Learning Master of Laws (LL.M.) conducted by The Jharkhand Vidhi
Mahavidyalaya under Kalinga University, Chhatisgarh, Nagaland has been designed for meeting thedemand of the growing needs of experts in the fields of jurisprudence, constitutionalhistory, paralegal services, right toinformation and specialized laws for women and children, human rights, arbitration, criminology, torts, labour law banking, environment, companies, families, intellectual property rights etc.
Those completing LL.M. degree are preferred for Jobs ni the Universities, College and Research Institution, promotions are made based on LL.M. qualification acquired by whose are, in the Judicial services ni the Central/State Govt.,/Private &Public Sectors.
Eligibility: Bachelor of Laws (LL.B/B.L.)Bachelor of General/Academic Laws (B.A./B.G.L.) Duration Three Years
Award: Master of Laws (LL.M.) shall be awarded to al the successful candidates by the Kalinga University, Chhatisgarh.
Application for admission in LL.M.(DistanceMode), LL.B. 3yrs& 5Yrcoursesrequirethefollowingdocuments.
1. Attested photocopies of original documents of matriculation certificate/ 10+2 or Intermediate or equivalent certificate &mark sheet Graduation Certificate, Admit Card of previous examination.
At the time of admission: LL.M. (DistanceMode), 5Yrs. BA. LL.B. (Hons.) &3Yrs. LL.B. (Course)
1. Five copies ofrecent passport size color photographs.
2. Original documents, of Matriculation Certificate / School leaving certificate / College leaving Certificate | 10+2 Marksheet/Graduati On Marksheet/Character Certificate.
3. Original Migration Certificate (in case ofcandidates coming from other University or Boards).
4. In case of SC/ST/OBC candidates are bound to submit original Caste Certificate/Income Certificate/Residential Certificate.