- Admission cannot be claimed as a matter of right; it may be refused or cancelled if any of the required documents (original) are not
produced at the time of admission or if it is found to be false at any time after admission, or the admission is considered as detrimental to the interests of the mahavidyalaya and University.
- Employees of any other institution or department (either Private or Government) seeking admission will have to submit written No-objection Certificate from the competent authority of their institution or department at the time of admission.
- Admission in LL.B. part 1,3-year Course will close on 31st July of the year and all applications must reach the Office of the Mahavidyalaya by June or as notified by the Mahavidyalaya.
- Admission in LL.B. part II or III year of LL.B 3-year Course may be taken even before the publication of the results of LL.B.I or II year Examination, respectively or notified by the Mahavidyalaya as per provision in V.B. University, Hazaribag .
The moot court is part and parcel of our syllabus and education to provide training and practical Knowledge with other facilities pertaining to imparting skill of advocacy with students.
The Mahavidyalaya has set up a Legal Aid Clinic and also Human Rights cell Under the chairmanship of Principle of the Mahavidyalaya for imparting practical training to students as well as rendering legal aid to needy and poor persons of the locality/ district. Teachers and Advocates have been associated with the clinic and cell as members as per guide line of civil Court, Koderma.
The college organizes seminar at local & national levels.
Every student of the Mahavidyalaya must possess an Identity Card having passport size photograph with full signature of the student and the signature of Principal / Proctor or the Person authorized by the Principal.
The Mahavidyalaya has an independent library having a large collection of Law books, Law reports and Journals such as A.I.R., S.S.C., Local Periodicals and some Foreign Reports like All England Reporter. Sweet & Maxwell’s Journal for the use of students, teachers and advocates;Multiple copies of prescribed and recommended readings materials are available for the students. Sitting arrangements are provided for 15% of the students at a time in the reading hall. The library is in the charge of a qualified and trained librarian. It is proposed to publish a quarterly Law Journal of the Mahavidyalaya in which the students, teachers and advocates may contribute their articles.
The rules of the library are as follows:
- The library of the Mahavidyalaya remain open between 11 A.M to 3:00 P.M on all Working days
- Students are allowed to use the library only after on presentation on identity Card to the Prof-in-Charge library or Librarian or any person appointed by the Principal.
- Students desirous of taking library books on loan for reading at their home will have to deposit a sum of Rs 500/-as caution money. Books will be issued to them for maximum period of ten days. Not more than books will be issued at a time
- In case the books issued are not returned within 15 days, affine of Re.1/-per day per book will be charged. If the book is not returned after the expiry of 20 days from the date of issue, the caution money deposited shall be forfeited and the student with-holding the books shall also be liable to pay fine and the current price of the book;further he/she shall not be permitted to use the library facility in future and may also be detained from appearing in the examination.
- If the caution money deposited by the students , refundable subject to the clearance of all dues of the Mahavidyalaya and also of the University, if any .
- Some specified Journals and books will not be issued for use outside the library
The Mahavidyalaya has a separate common room for boys and girls equipped with indoor games facilities Students desirous to use common room must follow the rules framed by the Prof-in-Charge, of common room.
Provisions have also been made for a playground and adequate facilities for games and sports under the able guidance of an instructor. Students desirous to use the facilities should contact the Instructor (physical training) or person appointed by the Principal to work in his Place.
The Mahavidyalaya has a separate Equiry Counter from where all imperative informations relating to the Mahavidyalaya / University may be obtained. All necessary forms are available at the Counter. Application forms May be Deposited at the Counter for which receipt will be issued.
The Mahavidyalaya has a separate Examination department with Pro-In-Charge, Examination. An assistant is available during Office hours to provide necessary information regarding college examination, university examination, registration etc.
- At least 75% attendance is compulsory for appearing at the university examination.
- Practical classes shall be held in the court. Attendance in the court is compulsory if failed, the candidate will not be sent-up for the university examination.
The Mahavidyalaya has computer Lab fully equipped with latest model of computer which can be used by students as well as other staff members.

- Classes will be held in day time as per routine of the Mahavidyalaya.
- The office , however, remains open from 10:30 A.M to 4:30 P.M
- Notices intended for the students are put up on the Notice Board. A plea of ignorance of any notice will not be accepted as a excuse for failure to comply with it. Students are advised to see Board regularly on all working days of the Mahavidyalaya.
- Students are expected to maintain perfect discipline in the class rooms and also the premises of Mahavidyalaya.
- No student shall leave the class except on urgent business and with the permission of the teacher . Those going out without permission and returning to class room are liable to be marked absent.
- Loitering about or congregating in corridors and verandas during class hours or otherwise causing disturbance is forbidden and students found in doing so are liable for disciplinary action.
- Students are advised to attend the classes regularly as it is necessary to have 75% / 66% of attendance of classes held in the Mahavidyalaya in each subject and also in aggregate. In case some one fails to do so he will be deprived to fill up the final University Examination Form

The territorial Jurisdiction for any cases to be filed in Civil Court or Consumer Disputes or any other Proceeding shall be Koderma Only which is the seat of administration as per the Provisions of the Act of Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag.
Tuition fee and other Charges of the Mahavidyalaya and also of the University will be collected at the Office Counters of the Mahavidyalaya on prescribed dates as notified. The following table shows the fees-structure of the Mahavidyalaya and fees are to be paid at the time of admission in each year of LL.B I,II andII year of LL.B 3-year Course (as applicable in the current session ). The Mahavidyalaya reserves its right to make necessary changes in the fee-structure of any year.